Differentiation Project


1.     What characteristic or variable are you investigating




2.     State your H0 – null and Ha - alternative hypotheses. Is this going to be one-tailed or two-tailed.

a.     H0


b.     Ha


c. tails?



3.     How many trials are you going to select for your experiment?

a.   Show a Core Tools simulation plot for the number of trials you will have? (use a large number of experiments)
















4.     State the criteria for determination.

H0: I can not reject the null hypothesis if the individual identifies ____________ correctly.


Ha: If the individual gets _________ right, I can reject the null hypothesis and then the alternative hypothesis must be true.


5.     Present your findings from at least 20 individuals.









6.     Conclusion

_______% can differentiate

_______% can not differentiate

Therefore, our conclusion about our experiment is